Thursday 26 August 2010

Why do YOU go to the gym?

The majority of people that join a gym will tell you they are there to get in shape, loose weight, look like their favourite celebrity, bla bla bla . . . .

The truth is a lot of people go (they wont exactly tell you this to your face) to impress members of the opposite sex, whether it be in the gym or that special someone outside. Some people go to make new friends that find it hard maybe being socially accepted, others like to go to class sessions as they like being part of a group/team and enjoy working out that way & some people to go to find love!
God's honest truth, at my local gym's last BBQ/Quiz night there was a man that proposed to a lady in front of everyone (cringe-worthy) to which she replied yes. A week later I found out the wedding was off!! hmm . . .

Many people will spend hundreds even thousands of ££'s a year on gym membership and still look the same as when they started.
Personal Training is a great way to hit your target and definatley worth the money in the long run!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, millions of ££ is spent each year on bloody pills and gastric band surgery when people are afraid to just eat healthy and exercise!! grrr . . . it annoys me
