Sunday, 26 September 2010

Supermarket domination?

What's your opinion?

I mean don't get me wrong, I still go to supermarkets for bits and bobs but these billion dollar companies like Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys just seem to be popping up all over the show. Not to mention they are all English!!

Back in the mid 80's there would have been typically a few butchers, fruit and veg and bakeries lined the streets. Now we have very little.
Tesco's opened up a supermarket in Crumlin down the street from my cousin's butcher shop. Thankfully no damage has been done. Tesco's 'meat display' looks something like Lady Ga Ga would wear on a night out . . . needless to say the meat is crap at best. They don't hang the meat to give it maturity or flavour. They pre pack it and fire it out on the shelves and I can guarantee the meat will be as tough as old boots. Anyhow - my rant is over. I urge you to support your local farmers/butchers and tradesmen as Tesco would say . . . "Every little bit helps!"

I mean if that doesn't make you hungry I don't know what will!

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